
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Empowering Physicians Around Their Finances With Dr. Kevin Mailo
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
The doctor so nice, I had to interview him twice.
Dr. Mailo is an emergency physician based out of Edmonton, Alberta, the founder of Physician Empowerment, and an all-around great guy.
In this episode we talk about key things Dr. Mailo has learned from working with physicians and providing them with a financial education for the past many years.
We talk about examples of 'million dollar conversations', conversations that are worth a million dollars of impact.
We also talk about the key takeaways from the upcoming Physician Empowerment conference coming up June 3-5th in Toronto (with a virtual option of course).
To register for the conference be sure to visit https://www.physempowerment.ca/
Don't forget your promo code! Type in GALEN into the promo code box when you register to get your discount.
I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed making it.

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Physician Empowerment and Real Estate Investing with Kevin Mailo, MD
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
This was an episode a long time in the making and just in time for our upcoming Webinar about Real Estate Investing for Busy Physicians, coming up on March 5th at 10am EST.
Click here to register: https://www.galenhelpsdocs.com/real-estate
Join me and Dr. Mailo as we explore physician empowerment, financial literacy, real estate and sleeping better at night and providing better care to patients via financial peace of mind.
Dr. Kevin Mailo is a full-time emergency physician and founder of Physician Empowerment – an organization dedicated to transforming the financial and professional lives of Canadian physicians. He has been active in real estate for over 10 years.
He is the founder of Physician Empowerment – an organization dedicated to transforming the financial and professional lives of Canadian physicians.
Have fun listening and be sure to register for the webinar if you'd like to learn more about Real Estate Investing.

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
A Female Physician’s Perspective on Personal Finances and Intergenerational Wealth
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Check out this amazing conversation with Dr. Stephanie Zhou where she shares loads of what she's learned about finance for physicians as well as much more.
In this episode we talk about:
- Financial literacy for physicians
- Intergenerational wealth among immigrant families
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging research
Dr. Zhou practices Addictions Medicine at Sunnybrook Hospital and is a Lecturer for the Financial Literacy curriculum at the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine. In addition to financial education, she also does research in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and co-developed the Diversity Mentorship Program at UofT.
She is also the creator of the Physicians Financial Wellness Conference, for early to late career physicians.
In her spare time, she blogs about personal finance on Instagram and Youtube @breakingbaddebt and about Equity, Diversity & Inclusion on Twitter @stephanieyzhou

Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Coaching for Physicians who feel disconnected from their purpose with Dr. Randy Cook
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Saturday Jan 08, 2022
Check out this amazing conversation with Dr. Randy Cook around coaching for physicians.
Dr. Cook is the host of 'RX for success' podcast where he spotlights physician leaders as they reflect on the elements that helped them in their journey to success.
He brings more than four decades of beside practice to the table as we talk about the intersection of practice and well-being. Dr. Cook shares with me what he has gleaned from interviewing medical professionals as well as his own experience.
We talk about how physicians are handling the shifting landscape of medicine and how he and his coaches support physicians who feel like they no longer belong in medicine or are looking for a creative outlet outside of their practice.
Check it out and check out Randy's podcast at: https://rxforsuccesspodcast.com/

Friday Dec 10, 2021
The Art and Science of Sleeping Better with Sleep Coach Janet Whalen
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Do you ever find yourself with your head on your pillow staring at the ceiling doing ‘sleep math’?
“If I fall asleep now I can still get x hours of sleep.”
Or thinking, “Well I went to bed too late, tomorrow’s shot.”
In this episode sleep coach Janet Whalen walks me through how she helps doctors get better sleep using science and their own brains.
Janet is a big believer in taking the reins on our sleep patterns and using our thoughts to create a better nights’ sleep.
To learn more about her coaching program “Permission to Sleep” be sure to head on over to janetwhalen.com/sleep
Or follow Janet on Instagram @janetwhalencoaching or Facebook @janetwhalencoaching
Enjoy the show!

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
That's right, I got to interview Dr. Jimmy Turner THE Physician Philosopher
We talked about how the path physicians take can enhance 'arrival fallacy' that idea that: 'once I hit that next goal, then I'll finally have what I want.'
He shared with me how he and his team support physicians in all areas of their lives and the power of having an unbiased third party to share what you're going through without fear of judgement or professional backlash.
Dr. Turner shared with me a real life example of how a physician came to him with the belief "I'm a bad parent" and how he reframed that perspective so they could let go of that false belief.
To learn more about the amazing things that Dr. Turner and his team are up to and book a coaching call, head on over to: www.thephysicianphilosopher.com/coaching
There you can also check out Jimmy's podcasts The Physician Philosopher and Money Meets Medicine.

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Building Trust and Teamwork in a clinical setting with Michele Hannay
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
‘Team’ is not a four letter word'
If you are in a clinical setting and struggling to create an efficient team and trust the people on that team, this episode is for you.
Michele has a long history of working with physicians and clinic teams in enhancing efficiency by building trust and teamwork.
Michele is a certified executive coach who helps physicians create teams that work by building their own leadership skills and clinic processes that work for them.
Find out more about Michele by going to:

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Helping overachievers find clarity and get unstuck from overwhelm with Dr. Annie Gallie
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
All right, I'm gonna say it. This episode rocks.
I'm joined by Dr. Annie Gallie who helps overachievers (including lots of physicians) find clarity and get unstuck from overwhelm.
Dr. Gallie is a family physician and life coach out of Calgary with tons of insight into the reality of driven overachievers.
If you are experiencing overwhelm and are not sure what to do next, you gotta check out this episode. Dr. Gallie loves sharing coaching because it is the 'secret sauce.'
To learn more about Dr. Gallie, go to these links.

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I have to say Dr. Gharbi has created an incredibly slick, easy to use, intuitive software for doctors.
Why did he do this? Because he's a doctor and was sick of using tired old clunky software so he did something about it and created the best Canadian EMR "Arya EHR".
The only electronic health records software in Canada created by doctors for doctors.
As he puts it, "bad software is like a death of a thousand cuts."
Dr. Gharbi took me on a walkthrough of the software during his masterclass episode and it is legit!
To take a look at the software, be sure to head on over to https://www.aryaehr.com/ to schedule a demo or just flat-out buy it.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Beating Burnout and Overcoming Anxiety with Dr. Ana Blake
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Dr. Blake wisely advised me to add a trigger warning for this episode.
Dr. Ana Blake is a family physician in rural Canada and a life coach with Anti-Fragile Female M.D, specializing in physician burnout, perfectionism, and overwhelm.
During this interview, Dr. Blake is very open about her journey through burnout and anxiety. She has taken this experience and now helps other female physicians.
If you are experiencing burnout or anxiety please contact a mental health resource such as what can be found at this link: https://www.cma.ca/supportline
If you would like to work with Dr. Blake, please visit her site at: https://antifragilefmd.com/